tips for artists

connecting people with artists, and art with the Internet.

a place to explore digital art and a voice for digital artists

a place for inspiration



If you are an artist and want to get started in NFT…

create something of beauty and share it with the world 

You should like your art and display it in the most beautiful way. Think of the most aesthetic way to display and organize your artwork.

Create out of passion and build your identity around things you actually like. Be authentic and genuine, enjoy the process. Effort, thoughts and details are important. When time and consideration go into a piece, it shows and it brings value. Create strong collection and a nice gallery, develop your own signature. 

Let your community know that you’re human. Share your ups and downs, share what you care about, share what you like.

If you are new to the space or just getting started as an artist, go on objkt

If you already have a career as an artist or are a designer and looking for an exclusive audience you can check Foundation or Superrare, if you like solana, check Magic Eden and if you want to make collectibles or a branded NFT series that goes mainstream, go on OpenSea.

It could be good to be on several blockchains : if ETH goes high, then you can keep your audience on a cheaper one like Tezos, but don’t scatter too much. 

where to start

You should be on Twitter. This is where everyone, artists and collectors are. You can post several pictures on the same post and you are able to receive feedback from your followers. If you already have a large audience on instagram, use it as a portfolio.

  • Link your marketplace profile to your Twitter profile. Many people don’t buy NFTs from artists that don’t have their Twitter identified
  • Picture : use the same profile picture as your other social networks profiles
  • Bio : write a clear and short description, a bio that clearly states what you do and your biggest achievements
  • Link : redirect to where you sell your NFTs. You only want to get the collector to a page where your NFTs are sold. If you have many links use a linktree. Only the most important info has to be there. Remove all distractions or useless links
  • Pin a tweet with the best 4 artwork 

what to say

Explain your process and tell your unique story 

  • Share the creative process, and share your work in progress, show how you work, show what inspires you, show how you put it together
  • Explain the backstory of your art, why you do what you do, add a description of how exactly you make your art
  • You can use time lapse of Photoshop, pictures of you in your atelier… people love to see the backstages
  • Share struggles, success, milestones

Engage with your audience

  • Make some time during your day to be on Twitter to create meaningful connections and build a tight community of supporters 
  • Web 3 changed everything in the art world because of the direct relationship between collectors and artists. If you have an opportunity to chat with your collector, take it. This is the strongest bond you can create
  • Focus on communities, build real relationships, make friends ! People, artists and collectors of the Web 3 space are the best. Chat with other artists, your collectors, take part in discussions
  • If a collector followed you, say hi in DMs

Collect and share art you like

  • Your collectors will also come to you as a source for discovering new artists and since they like yours it’s likely your tastes are similar
  • RT the art you like and share others’ work
  • Collect other artists’ work and buy NFTs you like 
  • You can also make some swap with other artists

mint and drop


  • Should you do a 1/1 or a multiple edition? A 1/1 is always preferred, what is scarce has more value and is more exclusive. However you can have multiple editions when you feel your work might gain value later. If one piece is popular, you might want to add more editions.
  • Check similar art prices, or verify at what price artists you like sell, ask advice to your community. You should start low and raise your prices little by little.
  • Announce your mint 4-7 day before on Twitter
  • Test your project on different browsers, old computers, tablets: make sure it displays well
  • Prepare description, name, tags, royalties, percentages and avoid typo, write everything you must fill in
  • Choose the naming well : it should reflect the piece and give something to think about or feel
  • Choose your royalty between 15 or 20% at max
  • Keep some editions for you, it might be useful later for giveaways or as thank you 


  • Stay available for a few hours after the mint to chat on Twitter and thank collectors 
  • Say thank you individually to your collector with a dedicated Tweet or DM 
  • Keep the wallet addresses of people who buy from you in a file preciously. You can create a special artwork to airdrop to the people you bought your NFT. This will be a limited edition just for them
  • You can also start a private group or channel with your collectors

When you mint a project on an NFT platform, you can earn royalties when an edition is sold on the secondary market. Your wallet address is set forever in the smart contract. 

Take good care of your NFT and your crypto. You should use a hard wallet from day 1.

If you have more questions you should join ART FROM FUTURE on Twitter or Discord