The pursuit of an unclouded space with Saki

Enchanted by the ethereal essence of the four seasons and the lingering traces of memory, Saki’s art is infused with a dreamlike essence that takes the viewer to a world beyond ours. 


Light and shade

Drawing from landscapes inspirations, Saki depicts scenes with a delicate balance of light and colors, influenced by the works of masters like Claude Monet. 

Flowers with blurry lines in a fairy-like atmosphere, soothing lavender palettes and glittering waters fill her creations up with a calming energy.

Her artwork incorporates elements such as cocktails with umbrellas, cherries, ribbons, and pink suns, evoking a sense of tropical paradise. Watery textures, pomegranates, apricots, vintage phones and lemon juices bring some freshness, while perfume bottles add a touch of elegance and sophistication.

I like artists who use colour and words to capture my imagination and make me think about the story they want to convey

Inspired by whimsical and dreamy imagery, Saki’s art is an expression of a mystical paradise filled with vibrant colors and textures. Blurry lines and textures form the basis of her creations, conveying a sense of enchanted beauty and surrealism.

The pursuit of an unclouded space

Mostly using Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere Pro, her creations transport the viewer to a magical world where green grapes hang from trees and gazy nights are spent in a somnolent haze, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of the universe.

the shadow is an important entity that expresses beauty

Her NFT journey

Saki is determined to delve deeper into the world of NFTs and create even more impactful pieces in the future. Her vision is to use her art as a means of spreading healing, tenderness, and a deeper understanding of the challenges that people will face in the future. Saki believes that art can be a powerful tool for promoting self-reflection and introspection, which are key to achieving true healing. By crafting compelling stories and evocative imagery, Saki hopes to inspire others and make a positive impact.

Find Saki

On Instagram :

On Opensea :












PNG化した素材をIllustratorでコラージュし、Photoshopで補正しながら制作していきます。制作過程はPremire Proで編集します。


②💎→Premire Pro→🎞











