travel into Arbstein’s underwater gardens of web3

This article is written for the Borderless exhibition of Art From Future. Arbstein is one of the exhibited artists of the collective show taking place in Protoworld from 0ctober 13th, 2022.

Picture a possible scenario where planet Earth radically changes its environment due to climate change… therefore, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, plants must mutate to survive. This scenario comes to life with Arbstein NFT collection Enciclœpədiæ.

biology meets technology

Oxygenless air that becomes helium, and hydrogenless water composed of acid, working on how technology influences not only our lives but also the lives of plants, Arbstein imagines a future for the planet with new schemes. Playing with these ideas, she creates a data sheet for each plant: what they need to feed, to move, to reproduce. Art is the algorithm she uses to give life to hybrid flowers.

Arbstein shapes an underworld of wonders that manifests through unexpected collaborations between botany and technology. The outcome is an astonishing and whimsical juxtaposition of digital nature and beauty.

earth and water

An ocean person with a mind down to earth, Arbstein is a Capricorn whose rational and grounded approach to life can be seen in her art. A digital botanist, she draws on a sketchbook and then uses Blender to give 3D birth to seaweeds and other plants. She braces up a sense of mystery by creating an enigmatic aura around her subject matter. Each of her pieces is unique, eerie and mysterious, like an illusion from a microscope.

She takes a lot of inspiration from the sci fi genre and mixes art, nature, technology and fantasy. Her favorite artists include Luigi Serafini, Sofia Crespo, Remedio Varo, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Anthony Samaniego, Craig Burrows.

the NFT journey 

Arbstein was finally able to build a relationship with her collector thanks to NFTs. 

An art student graduate, she heard about NFTs mid-2020. However, at that time she only knew about Ethereum, which was already high. She had no doubt when she heard later in 2021 about Tezos and Hicetnunc, and she remained on that blockchain since.

Like many others, Arbstein strongly feels that NFT came to revalue artists and enabled a generation of creators consciously putting value on their works. It revalued artists in terms of being able to tell more about their works directly to collectors, think about editions, and self-promotion.

yourself as a statement

Starting to sell your NFT means you are able to tell more about your work and put your artist statement out there, and be in direct contact with your collectors and community. Arbstein is amazed at how many talented artists she could meet in the Web3 space. Before that she mostly sold paintings to acquaintances.

To aspiring NFT sellers she says : be honest with yourself, it’s about art and expressing our visions, feelings, moods, there is nothing better than being transparent in what we do. And to give ourselves room for mistakes, and failure and not to be pending on whether a work sells or not because it ends up being very frustrating. We still have a long way to go in this world.

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Check out Arbstein’s collection on Objkt