entering Riniifish’ crypto paradise

journey into gummy gardens of psychedelic bugs

Slimy monsters with gelatinous bodies and cute carnivorous plants are the wonderful essence of Riniifish’ artwork. A journey into a pink milky way filled with fragrances of candy floss and gummy caterpillars entertaining the bizarre ghosts of our souls. 

Feeling both blessed and at peace in this digital polyphony, Riniifish hopes to heal herself and the others with solaces and soft sweets. She built the planet M7 to be a safe space.

Always starting with a certain creature in her process and then adding more little by little, Riniifish manages to connect insects to people with beautiful blobby shapes and colors that defy the laws of the eyes and make us look into the multicolored microcosm.

Non-human Journey / M7 Planet

visual therapy of the art 

Humid Universe

Creatures without shells showing their true selves and bacterium centaurs holding hands, Riniifish creates a whole new digital mythology that celebrates the memory filled story of life through the ages.

Therapeutic bugs that cure and bring power and will to souls struggling against the natural world: transferring her thoughts into art was a therapy that gave Riniifish the confidence she needed to care for herself and others. The bugs are a healing and balancing presence for the ego and each one carries a different mood and character at the time of creation.

Shaping the emotional states of individuals, she takes attention to stabilize emotions in the universe she draws. Unfocusing from what remains at the surface, Riniifish takes us somewhere we can understand the inner world and feel calm and comforted like a spiritual treatment of mental agitations.

shaping her way into NFTs

From scattered works on social media to strengthening her ideas and message, she focused more on expression and started to mint her first NFTs on Foundation. She found the platform to offer large possibilities and visibility to new artists, and everything seemed then possible.

Brain Spicy
Heart Throb

NFTs brought a social dimension into her digital art. Through friends, fellow artists or curators that she met, she found a way to build her community. NFTs allowed her to get closer to her collectors. She is also a fan of Tezos for its unique indie art styles, wide array of smaller artists and the friendly community. 

Artists need to be seen, she says, and they can do so through NFTs : “keep creating and keep being yourself, never forget to post we need to be seen”. She hopes that the cool community of the NFT space remains.

inspirations from outer-space

Shown through the Kanji she uses, Rinifish’ art journey was heavily influenced by Japanese artist 忠則横尾 Yokoo Tadanori whose honesty and appeals permeate the psychedelics. Other Japanese artists reflects in her creation : Takeshi Kitano 北野武 and Shunji Iwai 岩井俊二.
Other artists that inspire her are : Resatio, Saeko EharaSam Clover and Nicole Ruggiero.

Letting us just want to dive deeper, the world deserves a VR version of what is inside Riniifish’ brain. This is hopefully where she is taking us next.

find Riniifish

On Twitter: https://twitter.com/riniifish 

On Foundation: https://foundation.app/@riniifish 

On Objkt: https://objkt.com/profile/tz1RA9YvCwp41gidkVJPjcExFeeGMqmqqLpq/created